That's correct. When you are grandfathered on a plan, as long as you do not make any changes to the account that affect the plan (ie: a subsidized upgrade, or up/downgrade of the plan itself) they can not take it away from you. However there does come a point when they are allowed to dump the plan in its entirety (x number of years after the plan was last offered), and when that happens they drop everyone at once - giving them the option of going with a then-current plan or walking out the door.
There was a loophole that people were using to get subsidized upgrades and keep the unlimited data, but that was effectively closed as of last month. Now the only way to keep it is to pay full boat on a new phone or buy used (and hope it's not stolen) and simply do an ESN swap - because that does not affect the plan, only the phone using it.
And I can tell you, when they decide to pull fully the plug on the unlimited, it will be because of people like you. People like you are the reason Sprint originally lost their SRP with NexTech.. Less than 20 customers in Kansas were consuming literally 90% of all the native roaming bandwidth.
Actually, Verizon can never phase that plan out all together. Talked to the Verizon rep here in Denver that I usually deal with, and he said it's in the contract they can't take that plan away and something to do with a legal issue that prevents the from dropping it. Subscribers will either have to upgrade or downgrade or cancel service to lose the plan, otherwise they can retain it.
and because of people like me??? Unlimited means...UNLIMITED. I shouldnt have to feel guilty about using data that I PAY FOR every month! It's not 500mb plan, not 1GB plan, it's UNLIMITED. The whole point of the plan was avoid paying aggregious overage charges. It's not my fault Verizon was too stupid to realize they would lose their asses financially by offering unlimited text, talk and data to the public. That's their problem, it has nothing to do with me or how much data I use...I have the NFL premium app, so I watch SNF/MNF/Thurs Night football in the truck because I stay in my truck during the week. head home on weekends. I browse facebook, download the shows I can't normally watch, I do a ton of photo editing and uploading among other things. I use my plan, according to my plan! Wow...because of people like me. wtf?