Sprint Data Coverage loss Oklahoma and Kansas

Perhaps an unnecessary reminder, but in order to take advantage of new service areas, I think it's important to update the aircard's PRL. In the case of Verizon, this must be done using VZ Access Manager and a PC. AFAIK, the PRL is not updated when plugged into a wireless router.
I have a VL600 aircard. It did OK around Blair (still slow, just enough to intermittently stream), but around Cooperton I lost everything. I could tell how bad areas were by how many auto reconnect attempts that Flash media encoder had in its logfile. At one point in Cooperton I couldn't make calls on my phone either. It may have been a combination of the mountains and chaser overload. I'm sure an amp would help, but with Threat Net I haven't reached that tipping point of necessity to spend the money on one.