SpotterNetwork reports

Seriously though, is what is happening really any different than some of the audio reports you often hear over SKYWARN nets?

It's no different really. I don't know though, when I think of people who uses SpotterNetwork making those reports I think of the experienced storm chasers like the very ones who uses this forum, the ones I would expect to submit better and more detailed reports. The types of reports I see submitted over SpotterNetwork, like "lots of rain" are the reports I expect to hear over local spotter nets..
I thought that I had seen it all but somebody just reported very dark clouds KDMX radar

Should there be some kind of banning or suspension for posting stuff like this ?
This has got to be the worst report ever . Check out Nashville, TN Desc Huge Gust

Actually, I believe the report that is NE of Kansas City right now may be the worst ever......"Very Dark Clouds".

Come on! Give me a break.
I know I can't be the only person annoyed by some of the reports coming through on the Spotter Network. I have seen an increasing number of reports with no detail.

There are a lot that just say "Hail". No size or other details. Is this falling now? did you just come up to it laying on the ground?


Unless the SN participant writes a remark in the comments section of the report, you won’t see a hail size (wind speed), or whether the hail size (wind speed) was measured or estimated. However, if you are at a WFO that is set up to automatically receive SN reports (most Central Region offices, and three Southern Region offices), they will see the above mentioned quantification included in your report.

Wow! So much to respond to

I've noticed a lot of tornado reports from spotter network that either don't show up on the SPC map or do so at a much later time.

It's up the NWS to decide if something is worth an LSR

I've seen these reports too that were lacking in detail, so you're not the only one who has noticed it.

I'll be sending out my yearly "don't send in stupid reports" email in the next day or two. That's about all I can do.

I thought that was a no-no for the media to use the SN for contacting users.

I'm in the process of changing how things are displayed and to whom. It is currently against the ToS for them to do that...but like others have said I can't stop them. In the near future they won't be able to see numbers unless they pay for them, thus allowing me to make the system better for you.

Is Spotternetwork the only such network that the NWS has?

Other than local SKYWARN nets its the only one I know they actually watch.

Is it officially sanctioned?

No. And it never could be due to government regulations about doing such things.

Should there be some kind of banning or suspension for posting stuff like this ?

That thought has crossed my mind but how can that be done fairly?

Unless the SN participant writes a remark in the comments section of the report, you won’t see a hail size (wind speed), or whether the hail size (wind speed) was measured or estimated.

This type of info should show up on all the feeds except for the Google maps quick look feed at the bottom of the National Activity map (simply due to screen space). If it is not showing up on the GR/SL4 feeds it's a bug and I'll fix it.
Oh yeah...if you havent been over to your account lately.....go over and play with the open beta of the 'premium' options.

I've implemented (or in the process of implementing) some of the privacy items folks have asked for above.

Any bug reports or feature ideas can be posted over on

That thought has crossed my mind but how can that be done fairly?

Maybe set up a group of a few of your trusted SN reporters, and have them 'evaluate' reports? Shouldn't be too hard to do if you have a list in front of you. The one that reported dark clouds also reported lightning in another spot. That's getting pretty obvious.

This type of info should show up on all the feeds except for the Google maps quick look feed at the bottom of the National Activity map (simply due to screen space). If it is not showing up on the GR/SL4 feeds it's a bug and I'll fix it.

It's just showing the SN icon for all reports, and no sizes unless in the remarks on GR.
Maybe set up a group of a few of your trusted SN reporters, and have them 'evaluate' reports? Shouldn't be too hard to do if you have a list in front of you. The one that reported dark clouds also reported lightning in another spot. That's getting pretty obvious.

That's already being done and has been since day one. That's where I come in, as I have to answer for bad reporting and QC issues. :-)


Right now, in the Spotter Network GR overlay, you don't see a hail size with the reports (unless the user has typed that info in the narrative). Could you adjust your script so the hail size does show up on the GR overlay when they don't type the details in the narrative section? It might also be helpful to have the username who submitted the report in the GR Overlay to help filter bad reports.

Followed by another report from the same person a few minutes later..."lightning". :eek:

Ive never been too much a fan of policing things but maybe there needs to be an admin warning. I have a feeling should these "reports" continue perhaps the NWS will lose respect for spotternetwork. Seeing as that spotternetwork is top of the line for mobile reporting, I would hate to see it fall at the hands of a few "bad individuals"