David Poch
Speaking of wacky reports with no detail check out the one near Nashville Tn right now...
Seriously though, is what is happening really any different than some of the audio reports you often hear over SKYWARN nets?
This has got to be the worst report ever . Check out Nashville, TN Desc Huge Gust
I know I can't be the only person annoyed by some of the reports coming through on the Spotter Network. I have seen an increasing number of reports with no detail.
There are a lot that just say "Hail". No size or other details. Is this falling now? did you just come up to it laying on the ground?
Actually, I believe the report that is NE of Kansas City right now may be the worst ever......"Very Dark Clouds".
Come on! Give me a break.
I've noticed a lot of tornado reports from spotter network that either don't show up on the SPC map or do so at a much later time.
I've seen these reports too that were lacking in detail, so you're not the only one who has noticed it.
I thought that was a no-no for the media to use the SN for contacting users.
Is Spotternetwork the only such network that the NWS has?
Is it officially sanctioned?
Should there be some kind of banning or suspension for posting stuff like this ?
Unless the SN participant writes a remark in the comments section of the report, you won’t see a hail size (wind speed), or whether the hail size (wind speed) was measured or estimated.
That thought has crossed my mind but how can that be done fairly?
This type of info should show up on all the feeds except for the Google maps quick look feed at the bottom of the National Activity map (simply due to screen space). If it is not showing up on the GR/SL4 feeds it's a bug and I'll fix it.
Maybe set up a group of a few of your trusted SN reporters, and have them 'evaluate' reports? Shouldn't be too hard to do if you have a list in front of you. The one that reported dark clouds also reported lightning in another spot. That's getting pretty obvious.
Actually, I believe the report that is NE of Kansas City right now may be the worst ever......"Very Dark Clouds".
Come on! Give me a break.
Followed by another report from the same person a few minutes later..."lightning".