Spotter network placefile for GRX

Ok so does this mean YES or No on there are new placefiles?

All I get is:
Could not load ''
Could not load ''
Could not load ''
Could not load ''
Could not load ''
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If a URL breaks, the best thing to do is go check where you got the URL and see if that URL is still valid.

If I look at the URLs at the webpage I posted and the URL's you posted. Yes. Looks like you have old URLs.

go to GR placefile manager and right click on the placefile you want to view.
If it was only one (1) of my many computers I would say it was on my end but thats not the case.
Ok, I now have it working. It would seem that GRLevelX had an update. I did an update on GR and rebooted and now it`s working. I`ll try to reinstall my old SN place files and see how it goes.

Thats the fix. All is well now.
Ok, on my shop computer these are not working anylonger.

Could not load ''
Could not load 'ttp://'

Did something change?