Tyler Allison
The Spotter Network is seeing a _huge_ (relative) explosion in membership in the last month with excess of 100 new signups each week. I'm starting to get email bombed with questions, in particular "hey how do I get involved?"
I stole some content off of my own personal website and built the following web page for the SpotterNetwork. I would appreciate it if folks sent me their comments and or edits/changes for improvements.
I can't guarantee I'll use every edit/change or address each comment but I would like the feedback to make it better.
I stole some content off of my own personal website and built the following web page for the SpotterNetwork. I would appreciate it if folks sent me their comments and or edits/changes for improvements.
I can't guarantee I'll use every edit/change or address each comment but I would like the feedback to make it better.