Spotter Network activity movie for 4/24

LOL funny video! Need PAC MAN sounds to go with it! I started out from OKC from chase night before, went to the Twister Museum in Wakita in the morning, hung for a few in Pratt, KS, then went on to chase tornado warned cells N of Hays,KS all the way back to Missouri (home at 5:30am). I probably beat everyone in mileage for the day... Not that I'm proud of it! That's ok - I'd do it all over again - probably next Thursday. I had a blast!
lol awesome thing! Like Mike said already, reminds me of pac-man as well.

But its interesting to see how people are working on strategies, choosing positions and also (although its a sad story) good catch on desperated chasers moving home southwards from capped south KS.

Well done, Tony!
13 hour drive around S Nebraska

Heh, you immortalized my sad trip around Nebraska. I had to work until 12:30pm Thursday, so you'll see me as the last one to pull outta Omaha. You can see me drive around in circles between Kearney and Odessa as I try to figure out where I'm leaking coolant. After sitting at the Shell off I-80 for a bit, the leak slowed to a slight drip. Went west to US183, dropped down to US6 and on to Arapahoe. There I stopped for a strong smell of coolant and opened the hood to find it spitting off the serpentine belt. Yeaaa! Bought four jugs of pre-mix, filled er up, and nursed it into McCook. I hadn't checked my radar in awhile for the stress of thinking I'm walking or hitching. Looked at GR3 in McCook only to see "The Cell" had split right and forsake its former ne-ward path. Sigh. Back home along US6 to Milford and I80 home at 55-60mph. Had quite a lightning show to my south as storms fired along the NE/KS border. Now had I taken NE4 to US136 I might have been in the Tecumseh/Johnson area about the time...

Good job on the movie, Tony.

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What did you use to make this?

GRL3 is set to FTP it's current image to a Linux server. The Linux server then grabs that current image every 5 minutes, adds it to an archive directory of sequentially numbered images, and then assembles it into a movie and animated gif. I wouldn't know how to do this after the fact, you just need to be lucky in what happens during the day and what site you're centered on.