Oct 10, 2004
Madison, WI
Has anyone else noticed that the font for the last several mesoscale convective discussions issued by the SPC has been very small? So small that it's difficult to read?
Originally posted by Andy Wehrle
Has anyone else noticed that the font for the last several mesoscale convective discussions issued by the SPC has been very small? So small that it's difficult to read?

Yes, I saw that, and it looked terrible.
I think they're having issues. If you noticed, AFWA issued many of their outlooks yesterday, and I think some of the many watches also.
Originally posted by Andy Wehrle
Has anyone else noticed that the font for the last several mesoscale convective discussions issued by the SPC has been very small? So small that it's difficult to read?

I looked at the source code for that page and saw <font size=-1> was present. Not sure why they started doing that. I normally have the text size in my browser (IE) set to "Medium", and had to change it to "Larger" to get it back to the normal size.

The Day 1 page does not contain this font HTML command.

Chris G.
Originally posted by Tony Lyza
I think they're having issues. If you noticed, AFWA issued many of their outlooks yesterday, and I think some of the many watches also.

The AFWA / Offutt AFB in Nebraska acts as a backup for SPC. IIRC, each spring, there's a day during which they issue products for SPC, I assume as a way to test communication, etc.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jeff Snyder)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Tony Lyza
I think they're having issues. If you noticed, AFWA issued many of their outlooks yesterday, and I think some of the many watches also.

The AFWA / Offutt AFB in Nebraska acts as a backup for SPC. IIRC, each spring, there's a day during which they issue products for SPC, I assume as a way to test communication, etc.[/b]

OK, I understand that, but IMO, wouldn't they or even shouldn't they have possibly picked a day without almost 400 svr wx reports (392 and counting)?

Maybe, but they may also have to schedule a day well in advance. The folks at the AFWA are very capable, so I don't get worried. Jon, Rich, or Roger care to comment on this?

EDIT: If someone hasn't, you should email the SPC webmaster and tell them about this... There's a chance that it got accidentally changed and hasn't been noticed yet.

EDIT 2: Sorry Jared, didn't intentionally leave you out... It's great to see SPC and NWS folks contribute to Stormtrack discussion, and it is much appreciated.
Jeff is correct, the backup Thursday of AFWA by SPC was routine/scheduled. These backups are held quarterly, scheduled well in advance, and serve as a means of testing/practice since AFWA has the responsibility of providing service backup for SPC. Of note, at least two SPC people are sent up to AFWA to assist with the backup, and there is frequent communication between AFWA and SPC during the backup exercise. One caveat since it was a MDT risk was that SPC maintained watch issuance responsibility (as well as the MCDs, probabilities, enhanced thunder etc.)

Regarding the webpage, I don't really have an answer regarding the smaller text. I know it tends to do that sometimes when the product text is longer, but I'll see if we can check into it.

Jared Guyer