SPC and Stormtrack WAP access?

Under your mobile web>web sessions, do you see one entry that says VZW with a pad lock icon, and then below you should see "new entry". If so, click on new entry and then give me the options that are to be filled in. (e.g., name, homepage, user ID, password, gateway IP 1, port, etc....)

Hopefully it's nothing too goofy and I can figure it out for you.

No i dont see that when i went into mobile web. I think i got a few things figured out. with out using mobile web. And i also had mobile web canceld so i dont have access to it. I could try on a friends phone who has it still and let you know what i can find.

But what i found through the americas choice plan if i use the patch cable from phone to laptop i only use airtime minutes, and then its free on nights and weekends. The only thing i would use it for, for now is in emergencies any way. I see that the data access is limited through verizon out in the plains but thats what a wireless card is for and the WXWORX program as well. The cell is just back up. IF im not in there national access calling area i can Use Quick 2 net. not sure if i get charged for that but will find out.

So Josh i guess we need not bother right now for it, if i feel like i should look further into ill PM you.

Thanks for your help
I think converting Stormtrack boards to WAP would be a matter of finding an app that does that. I am not at all familiar with the way this board software is written.

Perhaps if someone finds an app or something, they can post it here. That is a tantalizing prospect for me. I only really work three days a week but am on the road on those days ALL the time.
