SPC and Stormtrack WAP access?

Thats pretty cool.

I know you can get to the COD SPC site through the WAP, as I've got it bookmarked on my phone. I just did a google search on my phone for 'SPC Products" and took the link it offered. I also get radar through something called "MyCast" I believe. It costs a couple bucks, but offers radar of incredible resolution, with a very large zoom option. It also allows you to focus the radar on any selected location, making it very easy to pinpoint your location, in relation to a storm.
Sprint gave me a couple of months of WAP for free with a new phone in ’03. Sprint’s WAP package included a credit in the amount of $5 per month for premium downloads, or whatever they were called. Premium TWC was one of those.

It was just amazing to look at the TWC NEXRAD on that new little phone. My previous handset was five years old. Then I realized just how many times I had to punch those little bitty buttons to look at what was, many times, stale.

How easy is it to navigate? I seem to recall that looking at WAP sites was a bit easier than going through the process of getting the TWC download.

If I decide to have WAP turned back on, it’s going to be interesting. There was an issue with trying to get the service turned off after the free trial, so I had Service Suspension (Sprint term, I believe) put on the handset.

Here’s another link:

Last I checked, KMPX could not be navigated to. But some little AWOS out in the middle of nowhere could. Looks like a rollout process.
Not sure about Sprint, but setting up free wap access on a Verizon phone (for the most part, depending on the phone) is fairly easy. You can also set up your own gateway if you prefer. It does not cost a monthly fee to set up your own wap access, but it does still come off of your airtime minutes.

What kind of phone do you have for Sprint, and in your Browser Setup, do you see a "New Entry"? If so, what are all the parameters it asks you to fill in?
What kind of phone do you have for Sprint, and in your Browser Setup, do you see a \"New Entry\"? If so, what are all the parameters it asks you to fill in?

Sprint calls it a VGA-1000, I think. Looking at the back of the handset under the battery, it's a Samsung SPH-A620.

Well, whadaya kow. I was able to view NOAA WAP sites. Looks like the lock I had Sprint put on does not work. And KMPX is now online as well with a 3 minute old NEXRAD.

I started at:

Sprint's WAP access is all you can eat, at $15/billing period, so I guess I just got pinged for that. I'll play around with this for the next few weeks to see if it really is worth the extra money, at least for me.
With Verizion i just recently got one. how do you set up a gateway for a WAP service. I been trying tonight and cant seem to get any thing working. I got the Get it now options going for me but why pay for something that i get already with another program? Could any one help me out here

This is really cool. On the Nokia 6820, the radar images are small, but they'll do in a pinch (awesome that I can bookmark them individually), but the satellite imagery is unusable. This phone doens't have the greatest resolution on the screen. I like having such easy access to the Day 1 outlook and other forecast products. Would be great to get local discussions as well---didn't find them in the WAP menu just now.

This could save real time while on the road. Rather than firing up the computer as soon as you roll out of bed, you can check a few things on the phone and see if you have time for a long shower and a leisurely breakfast before forecasting.

What kind of phone did you have with VZW?

I've got a Moto V710 and I use my own PC as my gateway. Or if you don't feel like setting up something like that, there are plenty of public proxies you could use, which I did for a while but they always get shut down after a while.

But let me know what kind of phone you have first and I'll see if I can help.
Re: the www.srh.noaa.gov/wml page

You can access various WFO products by using the "wx info by zipcode or city,state" option. From there you get the closest ob, several options for a local forecast, radar, satellite, as well as the hazardous weather outlook and the area forecast discussion.

As someone mentioned, this is a work in progress, and I would hope to see expanded capabilities eventually...

Re: the www.srh.noaa.gov/wml page

You can access various WFO products by using the "wx info by zipcode or city,state" option. From there you get the closest ob, several options for a local forecast, radar, satellite, as well as the hazardous weather outlook and the area forecast discussion.

As someone mentioned, this is a work in progress, and I would hope to see expanded capabilities eventually...


Rick, wow, thanks for the info. Sounds like I have a few more bookmarks to enter in my phone.

The AFDs and HWOs you guys write make the best-seller list every spring. :)

What kind of phone did you have with VZW?

I've got a Moto V710 and I use my own PC as my gateway. Or if you don't feel like setting up something like that, there are plenty of public proxies you could use, which I did for a while but they always get shut down after a while.

But let me know what kind of phone you have first and I'll see if I can help.

Well Josh i just picked up a cheaper phone through a family plan at verizon just two days ago. I picked up what they call a mobile office kit. gives you a patch cable thats USB interfaced from the phone to the Laptop and Verizon is the ISP. I was told that it uses air time minuets but as Verizon has the free nights and weekends the connection is free with that as well. The model i have is the samsung A650. Somthing simple. I tried it out today and it worked. but my main question was about the WAP sites. I dont know how to accesses these. as you all were talking about getting the Day 1 outlook and such. Im not sure if my phone is capable of doing that. I had the web service they offered but canceled that becasuse all i could veiw through it was text and links. I couldnt get any were on the SPC site. So I said the heck with it, but if you know of some way i can route around using air time minutes im all ears.

You could see if the guys at your local tv station have a way to put a smaller version of their radar imagery up on their website.

I do something like that here... mobile.kxan.com

I do two versions of our county-by-county maps... one for smartphones and one for larger pocketpc phones.

It's not that hard, actually.
