So,who is chasing during may and how long are you chasing?

I'm teaching until May 25th. On Saturday May 26th my sister and I are leaving Houston for some chasing. Don't know where we'll be of course...gotta watch to see where the hot spots are, but hoping for some TX panhandle action like we have seen before. Don't have long to chase as sis has to be back at work, but some time chasin' is better than none.

If you see us out and about stop by and say hey! Its always cool to meet new people. I've got a silver'll know it when you see it. Storm chasing magnet, skywarn and CB antennea. hehehehe....

I'm ready for some chasing!!!!

Good luck to all!
The only two days of May I cannot chase are May 2 (presentation) and May 8 (finals); my official trip time starts on May 11 and goes through first weekend in July.
I have to get my mortgage and car payment for May taken care of in a few days, then the rest of the season is mine to chase until my trip funds run out, until June 10 or so.