So,who is chasing during may and how long are you chasing?

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
Hi all
As you well know it's simply great to meet some chasers and discuss about the chasing day at the end of the day(above all after a succesful chase).It could be great if this happen to me and my group also this year. As far as me I'm chasing during may from may 5 till may 26 with some guys and girls.
How many of you will will have chasing vacation during may, and how long?

Ehy,I was forgetting: let's dress a "meteo-shirt", so we can recognize each other.;)
Hi everyone

We are four chasers from Denmark arriving at Wichita on April 28th. We will be chasing in and around the area until May the 11th.
We are all members of the Danish Servere Weather Society
We also went last year.

We are going to chase with the Florida based team But it's always fun to meet and talk to other chasers. Last year we met a whole bunch of them on may 23rd on a parking lot in York, Nebraska. That was awsome! We also saw the DOW and the TIV and met the couple from Phoenix, Arizona, with matching raincoats and helmets:)

Hopefully the rigde will have cleared out when we arrive.:)

Take care and happy chasing!

We're probably leaving for our chasecation on May 18th, though it might be a little later than that. We'll be out there for at least 3 weeks :D
Joel Wright and I will be chasing the plains from the 4th through the 13th. All this moderate activity now is kind of scaring us though. Hopefully it'll be active when we head out! We'll be chasing in a MEAN cherry red Chevy Cobalt 4-cyl (LOL!). Hey, it gets good gas mileage, what can I say?
I got the entire month of May available to chase. I worked it out with my job that I chase on chase days and go to work on days with no weather but I do have the whole month available.

My mini chase vacation in May runs May 8-May 15. I'll have a few other days off scattered about with which to chase, too. Bring your guitar along, maybe we can jam while waiting for the cap to break in central KS. :D


My mini chase vacation in May runs May 8-May 15. I'll have a few other days off scattered about with which to chase, too. Bring your guitar along, maybe we can jam while waiting for the cap to break in central KS. :D


Ehi man it should be too much fine!:D I really was thinking to bring along with me the acustic guitar to play some good Rock-blues songs with some chaser but it's too much difficult to transport on the plane..This wants to say that someone will lend me:p(sorry for the OT)
I have about May 13th-June9th to chase till I have to go to my summer job. However, I may come back to Albuquerque for the down days. I have a large telescope just begging to be used at a dark sky spot.
Our chasecation runs from April 27th through May 8th. Timing looks terrible right now, but we had no choice this year.

We're looking forward to chasing with Kai and Thomas and company from Denmark. We'd love to meet up with Verne, Tony, Tom, et al if things work out. We'll probably get together with Randy D. and some of the Meso group at some point as well.

If the storm outlook lets us down, maybe the great company won't, but I'm crossing my fingers for a better looking pattern.
The first week in May I will be free to chase any good setup that presents itself and the last week in May I will be out on the plains chasing pretty much every day. Mid-May I will be working and will pretty much only be availablle to chase weekends.
Our chasecation runs from April 27th through May 8th. Timing looks terrible right now, but we had no choice this year.

We're looking forward to chasing with Kai and Thomas and company from Denmark. We'd love to meet up with Verne, Tony, Tom, et al if things work out. We'll probably get together with Randy D. and some of the Meso group at some point as well.

If the storm outlook lets us down, maybe the great company won't, but I'm crossing my fingers for a better looking pattern.

You did choose a perfect period. The GFS tendence is to place some good short wave troughs on th plains till at least may 5. So, good luck.
I'll be chasing from May 14th to June 1st with three other guys. It's an international team composed of two swiss storm chasers (I'm one of them) and two french.
My trip is now definate. I will be on the plains from approx' May 12 to perhaps June 11.

I will be easy to recognise as I should have a Californian plated hire car. I am 50 years old, a little overweight and have a ponytail.

I will be starting the chase on my own, but may hook up with others.

Please, if you see me come over and have a chat. I will probably appreciate some local knowledge and data update, as I will not have any of that fancy stuff.

I am not a mug however, ( see my pages - link at signature ). I have been chasing over here ( Australia ) since the 1970's, although at home here I have to be content with hail, lightning and microbursts. This in a way is an advantage as even non-tornadic storm structure and severe weather is great for me.