SmartForecast Product

  • Thread starter Thread starter RMacDonald
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All, trying to improve my software product, I have a newer output and would love to get critiques on it if possible. Thanks so much for the help. Trying to make a better product.

Product can be viewed here:
I like the product. The thing i would like to see though especially next to the indicies is the previous skew t analysis. That way i could see a trend. Also i would like to see BRN added as well.
Seems a little over dramatic to color the values based on the level of threat implied. For example, low LCLs alone do not imply any sort of dangerous weather. Something else, like a thunderstorm, blizzard, or tornado, must be occurring with low LCLs in order for the LCL height to really mean anything. Also I think you need to define some of your indices somewhere. I question your computation of the "tornado index" values. Did you happen to be running the SmartModel anywhere near Joplin, El Reno, Hacklesburg, Smithville or other places where violent tornadoes struck? If so, what kind of values did your equations come up with? I like your attempts to judge the threat level for certain travel, sports, or infrastructure activities, but many of the boxes were empty. Why?
The color values are based of favorable thresholds for convective weather. Green representing marginal, yellow=moderate, red=strong, and purple=extreme. The Hourly Convective Indice is for thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes. The Tornado Index is just something I am working with, it takes all the values that are considered optimal for favorable environmental conditions for rotation. For Joplin area it was ready 94%, have a few other cities but still trying to fine tune this. As far as the other boxes, I had those calculations turned off. need to see if I can add any more outdoor activities that are effected by weather. I am working on an in-depth .pdf file to explain how the data is ingest and recalculated and applied to the product. Hoping to compile to an .exe so people can download and use whenever the want too.