Paul Austin
Do some research and look at traffic fatalities related to sleepy drivers.
I'm not trying to be a butthole but its something that needs to be said. If you know your to sleepy to be driving, pull over and get some rest.
And if your seeing things from lack of sleep and still driving, You need to be punched.
I don't know about the 11 hour limit, but I've gotta agree with the main point. I'm no better than anyone else. I've driven sleepier than was safe at the time, but I consider myself lucky to have survived and luckier still to have avoided taking someone else's life. I think it's wise to at least pull over and power nap for 15-45 min. or at least get out and walk around for a bit. I find that resets my vision and alertness after staring at the same lines and scenery for hours. Conversation, snacking, caffeine, physical activity are good for an hour or so, but I wouldn't rely on that for too much longer. I don't mean to be too preachy, but I think too many drivers think "I'll be ok, and if not, oh well..." without even considering others who share the same road.
Have fun and be safe out there.

You can slip into sort of an automatic driving mode after a while. It seems to be easiest on familiar roads, but can happen on long stretches of highway and such too. You're aware and driving, but other parts of your brain seem to go to sleep or are busy concentrating on other things - a daydream of sorts. Its very easy to drive right past your destination when this happens, and you'll usually have no memory of the drive when you snap out of it.
A friend of mine told me he once "woke up" on the interstate ramp after hours of non-stop driving - not the OFF-ramp, the ON-ramp.