Sleazy New York City camera shops

These creeps have been doing what they do for decades. There must be a lot of slush/hush money going to some politicians somewhere... :?:

If nothing else, you'd think that threatening someone over the phone, across state lines, would be of some interest to the FBI and/or Black Helicopter crowd.

Not entirely related, but I ran across this story on a DL.TV segment... This is the worst of what can happen if you gamble with a shady camera/tech online store -->

\"I will make sure you will never be able to place an order on the internet again.\" \"I'm an attorney, I will sue you.\" \"I will call the CEO of your company and play him the tape of this phone call.\" \"I'm going to call your local police and have two officers come over and arrest you.\" \"You'd better get this through your thick skull.\" \"You have no idea who you are dealing with.\"

These are all direct threats that I received today from an individual who identified himself as Steve Phillips, the manager of PriceRitePhoto in Brooklyn, New York when I called to inquire about my order with them. My crime? Telling him that I planned to write an article about my unfortunate experience with his company regarding the camera order I had placed with him yesterday.
BH Photo/Video is the only way to go for this stuff ... the shady shops in NYC use bait and switch and high pressure tactics to almost always bump the prices up considerably from what you see quoted online. If you refuse to buy any more of their junk, then you might as well forget about getting your order for months. The Wiz was big in NYC when I lived there, but I wouldn't trust any of those hole in the wall operations these days (there's tons of those shops around Times Square too).

BH Photo is my exclusive camera vendor for buying things online. No problems with them so far, and they have excellent customer service and competitive pricing.

(edited for spelling)
I've heard a couple pretty bad horror stories about these joints. They lure you in with insanely low prices, like camcorders. Then charge you tons extra for things that normally come standard in the box with the camera, like the charger and battery. Unfortunately, some people just get tired of the hassle and give up, losing their money.

Originally posted by Mike Peregrine

BH Photo is my exclusive camera vendor for buying things online. No problems with them so far, and they have excellent customer service and competitive pricing.

Totally agree. B&H is solid, and almost like a crack addiction to me. I get withdrawals if I go long periods of time without ordering from them. But that's another thread...
I've had very good experience in the past with Crutchfield out of Va. Bought a camcorder and later a DVD/VCR from them both without any hassle or "NYC style gyp joint" shennanigans . They were fast and quick with the orders. The prices were a little higher then the NYC places but worth it.

Jon Miller
What's with Abe? I thought he died many years ago... :lol:

Personally, I find all these dudes to be the utmost authority on digital cameras:

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