Site Loading Extremely Slow

Mar 23, 2013
Denver, CO
Site is loading extremely slow. I've tried clearing cache and web history, tried chrome, tried firefox, trie rebooting my computer, tried resetting the router. I don't have a modem as I'm on a fiber optic network.

Tried from my laptop, my desktop and my phone's browser, I get all the same issues. Either takes forever to load, or it won't load at all.
All the kids on quarantine, breaking the interwebs
I saw or heard a news report somewhere that this could very well become a big issue in some places.
There's all the kids doing on-line school, people working from home, all the people sitting around bored net-surfing/watching videos/gaming...
If there isn't the bandwidth to handle it, everything slows down

At this point, the site is loading normally for me.
I got a site unavailable error when hitting this site about an hour ago and every other other site was loading fine. Suspect the host had a temporary issue.
It is taking 2-3 seconds to load a thread which is not normal.

My speedtest is a little down from normal but that wouldn't be it as it's still running around 750Mbps and it's normally closer to 850 on my Comcast Gig line.
I rebooted it earlier today and that’s when we lost connection. We looked at our server firewall and it had been turned off awhile back because it was causing issues. We enabled it again and the site came up. This is strange because everything I click on is working.
I rebooted it earlier today and that’s when we lost connection. We looked at our server firewall and it had been turned off awhile back because it was causing issues. We enabled it again and the site came up. This is strange because everything I click on is working.

all working fine now.