Short Notice Chase Tour Now Open

Mar 22, 2004
Curtis, NE
Hi Everyone , :cool:

I just updated my short notice chase tours page .

Responding to some requests I have added a "follow me " option for my short notice tours.

I am also opening a short notice tour starting Sunday May 8th . Since I feel that the risk for severe will be near my home in Curtis, NE this tour will start Sunday at 11 AM CDT in Curtis .

The risk for severe will continue for several days and if your schedule permits we can chase Sunday May 8th - Wednesday May 11th . You pick the # of days you are able to join me for this tour.

Reservations for this tour will be first come first served .Reservations will close at 6 PM CDT on Saturday May 7th or whenever a reservation is booked/ confirmed.

For more details on how my short notice tours work please check out this page

If you are interested in joining me for this short notice tour , I will be happy to respond to your questions at the following e-mail address

[email protected]

As my schedule and the weather permits , I will post additional short notice tours .

Dean Cosgrove