Domain Name For Sale

Apr 23, 2005
Arlington & Lincoln Nebraska
Given I'm not currently maintaining an active site, and don't forsee myself doing so anytime soon, I'm willing to forfeit the rigthts to my Domain "SevereChase.Com" It's a solid domain name that yeilds plenty of results from search engines, "back in the day" when I maintained the site on a regular basis, it was nothing to get 20,000 "Unique Vists" and well into the 100's of thousands in hits, I think the success of "SevereStudios" might have aided the number of hits a little. The site actually used to turn a little profit when I had google ads, I think it was 2009 when google ads alone brought in just over $300.

An online appraisal says it's worth $9,197.45 but then again the same site said it was worth $17,000 last year. Obviously I'm not looking to get anywhere close to that...I'll consider about any offer!