Bill Tabor
I'd reccomend you hire an IP attorney forthwith, Brett, and not try to do this on your own. You might consider Carolyn Wright (; I've heard good things about her. Register your footage with the US Copyright office immediately -- this will cost $45. Since you are dealing with a network, you're looking at someone with deep pockets. A willful infringement like this will net you five figures in settlement, most likely, but not if you go about it incorrectly.
How does this registration with the copyright office work if it is a live broadcast? Do you have X amount of time to submit in order to get full rights so that retroactively you could get the higher damages? I always heard if you don't file you still have rights, but can't get as much cash.
Actually, this could be a good quick way to fund some chases if you can get some good video and retroactively catch some national or local pirates. Sounds like that is what some of you are already doing.
Definitely let me know if you see my feed ever being used. My problem is finding a decent photogenic tornado this year while the cam is running. I almost had the second SevereStreaming tornado ever earlier this year south of Wichita Falls and just when the funnel was going to touch down I accidentally switched my cam off. I thought I was switching from Auto to Manual -which is something I do to lock in the infinity focus - instead I switched it the other way to OFF.

Other than that when things got good I often had no decent cell signal for data. Then my latest glitch is for some reason my Windows Media Encoder at times won't display the video from the dashcam as I try to log on before pushing encode. That's some kind of crazy hardware issue - probably with the cam. It's getting a bit old and has been shaken to death after a few years of dashcam use during chases.
Maybe I can get it all to come together again soon. Guess I could plug my Vx2000 into it. Now that would be a picture and it would work in practical darkness. Problem is I'm not sure it would fit on the mount on my dash. If I'm parked I could set it up outside on a tripod though.