Severe Weather Video Stream Theft

Sometimes they do. Which is why when they do, you always charge them a LOT more than you normally would have, so they have a reason to thing twice about it next time.

Or they could be like the one I am dealing with now, and just flat out said they weren't going to pay me for what they took, and now we have to go to court so they can pay me a whole lot more than they would have.
Nah......they ripped off WHNT's dual-pol radar for me and are having it delivered and placed on my storm chase vehicle. ;) Whole new meaning to the "Dopper on Wheels".
I always tell people in the media that get busted for copyright violations that they have three prices.

The price you could have paid if you set something up before you ripped off the video.

Now were at the second price, the price I'm asking you to pay now that you have been busted like a college kid downloading from the dozens of free music sites.

And then there is the third price which is the price you will pay my lawyer after the law firm teaches your company the basics of Chapter 5 of Title 17 of the US Code.

I have never had anyone ask to pay the third price.

The problem these days is with the new generation of people working in the media. They grew up on Napster and don't read the fine print. Last month we had a tv station use footage that we even made sure the network news desk called and told them they can't touch it. The next day, they did and they got busted and I was not in a good mood that day to begin with so someone got their arse chewed like a Big Texan that was way overcooked.
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Well this doesn't look good

13.) SevereStudios/SevereStreaming reserves the right to insert or co-locate branding and advertisements of any type in video streams from free accounts, and collect all revenue for itself.
Why? You aren't paying anything for the service, but based on prices I got for streaming in the past -- it's for from free... So it makes sense that they reserve the right to recover some costs. I can't imagine it's going to make them millionaires, nor is that why they are providing this in the first place?
James... I'm not sure why you insist on trying to stir up controversy. Part of that #13. is there because of the google ads displayed next to the streams.

How do you know what we are making off the ads, anyway? Right now its not even covering the new web server.

We aren't doing any insertions now, and probably won't. But as viewership numbers go up, so does our bandwidth costs. We have to be able to cover expenses and worry about becoming millionaires later.
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This sounds more than reasonable to me, and furthermore it follows standard operating practices on the web these days.

A great idea that keeps on getting better! I may need help from my virtual chasing additiction BTW.. :)