Sean Casey on NPR

Sean Casey on NPR: All Things Considered this afternoon. Click here.

Still waiting for Tornado Alley to come to Michigan. :( Sean, what's the deal? :)
I wish SNL would do a spoof on this interview with the NPR skits they do (and the famous "Schweddy" skit) with Casey...I know it's not gonna happen...and SNL sucks now...but still.

Interesting the film is listed to come to DC on the TAmovie website....but nothing on the smithsonian websites at all...yet.
I thought it was a great interview, and glad that they spoke of Joplin, MO. I knew Brandon Ivey grew up in a town not far from me at all, I didn't now about him having a cousin living in Joplin whose family was affected by the tornado.
I noted that a multicinema in Huntsville now has an IMAX screen--I saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean there in 3D/IMAX and it was fun. I'd love to see Sean's release get into this kind of theater. We also have the big dome IMAX at the US Space and Rocket Center, but a commercial theater with digital IMAX would be easier to watch than the older projected types, possibly.

So I suppose we'll be getting 3D storm film before too long?
Pretty sure you're going to be waiting a LONNNNNNG time since I dont even think its being shown anywhere anymore.

Maybe get the DVD....

No way. Those dome (museum/science center) IMAX movies usually have long runs. That reminds me, I still need to see the Hubble 3D one. It's still playing around here and it's been out for more than a year.
No way. Those dome (museum/science center) IMAX movies usually have long runs. That reminds me, I still need to see the Hubble 3D one. It's still playing around here and it's been out for more than a year.

Yeah I just seen that actually. I just went to the site. Im def surprised its still playing.
I spoke with Sean, Marcus and Brandon in Salina a couple weeks ago after a chase. I mentioned that the film hasn't been in Michigan. Their responses were a bit on the sarcastic side lol.
Meaning what? They don't think there's an audience here? Spill it! :)

Well they all spoke at once.. we had all spent a few hours at the bar. I only bugged them for a few minutes, they constantly have people approach them and that day was no different. Toward the end of our brief conversation I think what i said was 'someone needs to pull some strings and bring the film to Michigan.' I think Sean laughed, Marcus cheered for a second and Brandon said something like 'we're on it!'
It may be that the film isn't drawing as much of an audience as anticipated. I was reading reviews from other weather interested posters and decided to bypass the bother of finding an IMAX theatre showing it. Paying $10 plus Boston parking to see a Vortex 2 commercial holds little interest for me.
Not sure for all the theaters....but it seems almost all the IMAX theaters I've heard about are science type theaters....that don't share the screen with IMAX movies. We've got IMAX in Silver Spring, MD (one block from Discovery Communications HQ, four blocks from NWS HQ) and it's not there....but list for the DC museum screen.

I say it's probably time to look for other productions (some rumors of things in pre-production).
Not sure for all the theaters....but it seems almost all the IMAX theaters I've heard about are science type theaters....that don't share the screen with IMAX movies. We've got IMAX in Silver Spring, MD (one block from Discovery Communications HQ, four blocks from NWS HQ) and it's not there....but list for the DC museum screen.

I say it's probably time to look for other productions (some rumors of things in pre-production).

Funny you mention the connection between the IMAX threaters & science museum type places, Jason, as I saw it was playing at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Fort Worth. I confess - we did go to see it there during a down day. :) Thought it was pretty well done, especially if the purported time constraints (50 miinutes or so) supposedly mandated by the studio are true.