Screaming and yelling


Nov 29, 2010
Winston Salem NC
Just wondering how many here do it? Screaming, yelling, repeating the obvious over and over when shooting a good storm. Just been watching alot of chase videos on Youtube....I have to laugh at some of these guys. Some sound like they're having an orgasm for the first time. I guess if it's your thing, then good for you. Nothing wrong with being excited! Once you yell, scream, cuss, and give annoyingly obvious narration-example ("Tornado!! Tornado on the ground, on the ground.....LARGE TORNADO!!! Oh my god!! Oh my god!!! On the ground!!! Huge Wedge!!! Power Flashes!!!") etc. while shooting's there, and it kinda makes you look silly. I'm sure probably in the excitement, some people may not even realize they are doing it though.

Maybe thats the normal thing for some people, but it kinda kills a video for the viewer wanting to hear the storm. Similar to another poster a while back stating that hearing squeaky windshield wipers ruins videos. Not wanting to cause a heated debate or get flamed if it's what you do. I'm just curious what others thoughts are on this.
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Some sound like they're having an orgasm for the first time.

They essentially are, given how intense the moment can be, and how rare it is to be in that position. Your comparison is essentially correct if you look at from this perspective, and I believe the reactions make much more sense when you do see it from this perspective. Sure you can control your reactions better if the scene is more subdued or you've intercepted numerous times in the past, but many still get this same rush. I'd also say that many who keep quiet in their videos are not necessarily more calm, but may just have their breath taken away.
When watching some of my older videos I notice myself repeating the same words or phrases, I think that happens to everyone at times. I also catch myself stating the obvious at times. One of my favorites is from May 2001 when my wife keeps telling me to "get closer". She was caught up in the moment.
It's kinda like you're drunk. I imagine I'll be as giddy as a 12 year old school girl when I get my first tornado. I'll try to keep my mouth shut, though, because I know that does get annoying sometimes, not to mention "tornado on the ground" is redundant.
You can't always control what comes out of your mouth when your incredibly excited... I agree that sometimes it can ruin what would otherwise be amazing footage. BUT, having some excited narration always adds a human element to the scene and some raw emotion which I find better at times!
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Every time I go back and listen to a video, I find myself sounding more and more like a complete moron. I, too, have a knack for stating the complete obvious over and over (e.g., that's a nice tornado), uttering very repetitive and melodramatic catch phrases (e.g., "wow," "holy s**t," etc.), or otherwise just saying things that aren't practical. I just chalk it up to the zeitgeist of chasing and edit out the worst parts from the final versions of my video.
When I started chasing about 11 years ago, I was quite vociferous with my commentary. After watching some of my old videos and videos of others who ramble, yell, scream, stormgasm, or whatever you want to call it, I decided it sounds really really idiotic. Now I typically just let the storm speak for itself, I might utter a few words, but screaming just annoys the heck out of me.
Good responses. Kind of what I was figuring. Caught up in the moment and just unable to control it. Been years since I saw my last Tornado, and I was a kid then. I may go through the same thing when I get fairly close to one now. Might have to get a sock to cram in my mouth to keep from yelling all through my video. lol I'm seriously gonna try to be quiet while filming, do my celebrating after the camera is off.
I've done it, but as I've gained experience, I just try to keep quiet and let the video do the talking. The last video of a tornado I got was Hammon, OK of last year. I took a few minutes of video and never said a word.

This is how I used to do it: CLOVIS, NM TORNADO OF 2007

I have to say, looking back on this video makes me look like a total dweeb. I find it very annoying when someone claps and starts hollering on their video, but again, I've done it myself.
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I've done it. I still do at times. Unfortunatly I have several hours of video that's like a slient movie because i had to basically remove the audio. Sometimes it's just being caught up in the moment
Yeah, I may still do a little commentary with, look at that tornado! What a beauty! What a beautiful storm. Or maybe give my location, time and date, but never the hand clapping, sounding like a screaming schoolgirl kind of commentary.
I'll admit it, I get too excitied say stupid things, swear too much, just sound all out dumb at points. I try to contain myself but its just getting caught up in the moment for me, although I am trying, key work trying, to stop swearing in my video, in the last one you can even here me say "I need to stop swearing", Just the rush of the moment.