Scraping the Windshield on May 3rd!!

Joe Nield

Jul 31, 2004
Plainfield, Indiana
:evil: :evil: :evil:

A May 3rd record low for Indianapolis of 29 degrees was set this morning at 5:47 AM EST. This is one degree off the lowest temperature ever recorded in May at Indianapolis, which is 28 degrees, set on May 10, 1966.

This is getting old FAST.
Yesterday it was snowing on the way to work. This morning I read 25.7° on my home thermometer. I'm dreading going out to the garden and peaking under my buckets I covered everything with.

I can't recall seeing temps so cold aloft this time of year either.
Yep...I also had the get the scraper out of the trunk and scrape the frost off the windshield.

At least it's sunny today. I'll take a sunny, brisk 30F morning over a grey, dreary 50F morning any day.