The same way Joe Public knows what the SAME code for Lucas county is. He looks it up. Enter the zip code and the database will spit out the exact SAME code for that town.
Here. Try this out.. I picked this area specifically because the counties have irregular shapes..
Say this TOR goes up. It is centered in Wabaunsee County, but it just touches several others. As the system works now, weather radios go off in the entirety of Riley, Pottawatomie, Jackson, Geary, Wabaunsee, Shawnee, Morris, Lyon, and Osage counties. This is roughly 5200 square miles being warned for a polygon that is a fraction of that size.
The red indicates the actual TOR, and the pink line indicates the actual area that is warned.
With the exception of the rest of Jackson and Shawnee counties, toward which the storm is actually moving, nobody in any of the other counties care about it. You already know this is the problem.
But with the capability of the technology that is already IN PLACE, the counties can be subdivided such that only the areas closest to the polygon receive the activation, and those who are nowhere near the storm can go about their business.
In this example, red indicates the TOR, yellow indicates county subdivisions, pink indicates the area that would be warned under the current system, and blue indicates the area that would be warned if the subdivision code were used in the SAME code.
See where I'm going here? It cuts the false alarmed area by 80%, and it's nothing that would require any sort of major overhaul to the system because the framework is already there and the radios already have the technology. All the public would have to do is reprogram their radios if they don't want countywide warnings. You're also forgetting that if the radio is programmed with "0" as the first digit in a SAME code, it will respond to an alert coded to ANY subdivision, so it doesn't affect existing radios at all.
For example, if a radio is coded to 516234, it will ONLY respond to 516234 or 016234. But if it is coded to
016234, it will respond to 016234, 116234, 216234, 316234, 416234, etc, etc. It's just another level of filtering.