Rotating updraft SW Germany 03/31/06

Marco Kaschuba


today, in southern Germany there were a few thunderstorms with small hail and gusty winds. There was a splitting between the Swabian Jura and Bavaria, with a right moving cell north of Munich. I could chase a small cell south of Stuttgart. This cell was producing a rotating udraft with a funnelcloud like formation before small hail and heavy rain put down the visibility to the direction of interest.

Here's a shot:


Marco Kaschuba
Hello Marco!

I'm from your continent, too;)

Happy posting here ;) Today U.S. is under MDT. It's time for cyberchasing.



today, in southern Germany there were a few thunderstorms with small hail and gusty winds. There was a splitting between the Swabian Jura and Bavaria, with a right moving cell north of Munich. I could chase a small cell south of Stuttgart. This cell was producing a rotating udraft with a funnelcloud like formation before small hail and heavy rain put down the visibility to the direction of interest.

Here's a shot:


Marco Kaschuba