Rocky's Stormchaser's Picnic dates announced!

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Good day friends!! Last year was the first year since 2001 that we had not scheduled our annual storm chaser's picnic that my wife and I normally hold at our farm near Piedmont, OK.. Had lots of things going on and just didn't have time. This year, I really want to resume this, it's my way of giving back to the storm chaser community and really enjoy doing this. So this year I will have three prospective dates for May 23rd, 30th or June 6th and will be contingent on severe weather potential across the southern plains. I would have earlier dates in May as an option but work and family obligations currently preclude those times. So plan now to show up once a date is confirmed. We're overdue for a get together to exchange those tall tales, watch video's and eat some tasty food. Typically, we provide the food and drink for a minimum donation of 5 dollars per person. my wife has asked me to find a couple of volunteers to help before hand to get things ready in case I have to work that morning and someone to help with the grill. We will have something special for those who can help out. I will post more details within a couple of weeks. Hope that you can make it out here, even if it's just to stop by and say hey. All the best and chase safely!

Hi Rocky,
you probably wont remember me though we met up in 2004 with photo shoot below. Great BBQ and shortage of good food! (You still got that weird robot pool cleaner flopping around? ha ha)
Am hopefully over again last 2 weeks of May so will be looking into dropping in on the best of those three dates if that is OK with you guys? Recent years have missed your dates!

PS. The option of 3 separate dates has to be the best idea going. TBH it could never work any other way for chasers!
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Sounds like a plan. Hope to be able to make it on whatever date is picked. Being on a Saturday should work out well with me, even if I've moved back up to Tulsa by then.
Rocky, you and I have never met, but for years now I've been hearing about you and your family's unequalled hospitality with respect to these infamous Storm Chase Parties! If someone hasn't ever thrown a party themselves, they just cannot fathom how much hard work and elbow grease goes into putting on a gig like this.....especially PRIOR to the actual party itself. You folks are legendary amongst the chaser nation, I can assure you that!
My long-time chase partner (and 1st. cousin) Doren Berge (pron. Bur-ghee) and I normally begin our month-long chase seasons by flying into Omaha during the last week of May, and staying in the alley until the latter part of June. We work the alley from S.E. Montana / North Dakota all the way down south to the Midland, Texas area....but we're especially fond of working the Nebraska / Dakotas territories, eastern Colorado / Wyoming, etc. Prior to setting a departure date, we keep a close eye on the weather patterns which ultimately determines when we pull the trigger to depart for Omaha. FWIW....Doren hails from Salem, Mass. and I'm a Nebraska native living for decades in Tucson, Arizona. If not for our annual uncertainty in when we'll be arrive in Omaha, we could guarantee you we could be the pre-party laborers you're seeking. Who knows, the weather may fall into place perfectly, which would allow us to grab our rental SUV in Omaha and blaze down to Piedmont you can work us like dogs! Doren and I are no strangers to hard physical labor. We DO KNOW how to roll up our sleeves, pin our ears back, and get with it! We'd be honored to give our best for you and your family. I'll keep you posted on this as our chase trip departure date begins to gel just a little bit more.
My sincere thanks for giving us the chance to actually attend one of your magnificent parties. I was always jealous when fellas would talk about the good times they had while attending. This year, God willing, Doren and I can make it happen.
Thank you again, and I'll look forward to meeting you and your family.....and kicking up my heels in the Oklahoma sun with the StormTrack Nation. God Bless and I'll keep in touch, Joel Ewing / Tucson, Arizona
Rocky, you and I have never met, but for years now I've been hearing about you and your family's unequalled hospitality with respect to these infamous Storm Chase Parties! If someone hasn't ever thrown a party themselves, they just cannot fathom how much hard work and elbow grease goes into putting on a gig like this.....especially PRIOR to the actual party itself. You folks are legendary amongst the chaser nation, I can assure you that!
My long-time chase partner (and 1st. cousin) Doren Berge (pron. Bur-ghee) and I normally begin our month-long chase seasons by flying into Omaha during the last week of May, and staying in the alley until the latter part of June. We work the alley from S.E. Montana / North Dakota all the way down south to the Midland, Texas area....but we're especially fond of working the Nebraska / Dakotas territories, eastern Colorado / Wyoming, etc. Prior to setting a departure date, we keep a close eye on the weather patterns which ultimately determines when we pull the trigger to depart for Omaha. FWIW....Doren hails from Salem, Mass. and I'm a Nebraska native living for decades in Tucson, Arizona. If not for our annual uncertainty in when we'll be arrive in Omaha, we could guarantee you we could be the pre-party laborers you're seeking. Who knows, the weather may fall into place perfectly, which would allow us to grab our rental SUV in Omaha and blaze down to Piedmont you can work us like dogs! Doren and I are no strangers to hard physical labor. We DO KNOW how to roll up our sleeves, pin our ears back, and get with it! We'd be honored to give our best for you and your family. I'll keep you posted on this as our chase trip departure date begins to gel just a little bit more.
My sincere thanks for giving us the chance to actually attend one of your magnificent parties. I was always jealous when fellas would talk about the good times they had while attending. This year, God willing, Doren and I can make it happen.
Thank you again, and I'll look forward to meeting you and your family.....and kicking up my heels in the Oklahoma sun with the StormTrack Nation. God Bless and I'll keep in touch, Joel Ewing / Tucson, Arizona

Joel: Thanks so much for the kind comments. I'll get a hold of you as the prospective dates near if your in the area. We really hope we can pull this off this year. I have a feeling one of the first two dates verify as I suspect the pattern which according to the latest long term models (for what that may be worth), should settle down some below I-70 by the first date. We shall see.
Rocky, I was hoping you would do another picnic so this is great news. I'm looking forward to attending and I have a few friends who will be on their chase vacation on the dates you are considering to have the picnic.
Thank you for putting these on. I have seen many-a-years this has went on, dreaming I could make it. One of these days I'll make it. The kids make it difficult to find time!

Concerning our Stormchaser's Picnic: It's still on at our farm near Piedmont, Oklahoma, but the first available date; May 23rd stands a chance it could be cancelled as severe weather potential could be occurring in the southern plains. The parameters for the picnic to happen would be no slight risk or greater and an associated 2% or more risk for tornadoes along and south of I-70 in Kansas, west of the Missouri and Oklahoma/Arkansas border, north of I-20 in Texas and east of the Texas/New Mexico border. In recent years, the number of people showing up has been on the decline, from what I would think is any kind of risk anywhere in the plains states, but I'm sticking with what could happen from KS. on south, so hopefully if we can pull this off, the weather will be relatively quiet in our part of the country. The following Saturday, May 30 may be a viable pick as I believe we may be winding down the active pattern by then.. maybe.. hopefully. If on May 30th there is projected severe weather in the southern plains, then the last date is Sunday June 7th which was moved up one day as my wife and I are attending a Loretta Lynn concert the night before.

We still will be providing the food and drink for a minimum of 5 dollars per person, we'll have a blu-ray dvd player and a back up dvd player for all to enjoy a 15 minute edited video of your prized catches. The pool may not be opened this time around but the grill sure will be as we'll be cooking hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs.. maybe a slab or two of Salmon! Picnic will start at about 1pm and directions will be given a few days before the event. This is a family deal so bring the kids if you like. Because of that, alcohol will not be provided.

I will keep you abreast to any changes that come up. As I said earlier, the first date for May 23rd may very well have severe weather chances that could preclude the first date from happening, but as you know in the wonderful world of weather, things change on a dime, so check back often for updates. Meanwhile, live to chase and chase to live!
I'm assuming these 15 minute videos should be free and clear from foul language since children might be attending? I'll have to remember that if I manage to go out, lol.
ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING STORMCHASER'S PICNIC: The first of three possible dates for our picnic, this Saturday May 23rd is cancelled due to the impending severe weather threat on the southern plains. The next possible date is the following Saturday, May 30, 1pm. I feel at this time there is a slightly better than a 50% chance of this happening as the pattern will be in a temporary lull. As I stated initially, if a slight risk or greater is issued AND a 2% or greater tornado threat between I-70 in Kansas and I-20 in Texas and west of the Missouri/Kansas border and east of the Oklahoma/Arkansas border on west to the New Mexico state line, then the picnic date would be moved to the last possible date for the season which would be Sunday June 7th.. If by some chance, we can't pull this off on the other two dates, I may consider holding a get together later in the summer. I'll let you know around Wednesday of next week on the May 30th date. I've had several message me on FB and privately that they really want to show up.. if we can get at least 12 or more to commit to stopping by, this would be more than worth it, even if it's only for an hour or two. Chase tour groups are more than welcome. Food and drink provided, and an HD TV for watching the edited video's. A minimum of 5 dollars per person to cover expenses is suggested, or come by early to give a hand in preparation would be as much appreciated. More info to follow. Happy chasing and as the late great Jim Leonard would say.. Have Fun