Rocky's mid winter SDS relief party Saturday January 31 1pm until..

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Howdy Hi! Sorry for keeping such a low profile lately with lots happening.
Even though this is a bit short of notice, I will be having a get together for a little bit of SDS relief on Saturday January 31rst 1pm until whenever here at my farm in Piedmont, OK. . I'm encouraging all to bring your own food and drink this time around, but I will have some of our own to spare, depending on how many can show.

Unfortunately, I'm taking a risk in even putting this on as I have a brother in law who is battling stage 4 cancer in Tulsa, so far he is holding his own, and I fully expect him to be around awhile longer, but he had a close call earlier this past week. So, there is a chance this could be cancelled on short notice. But as of now, the plan is to have this... especially being that I didn't even host one last winter due to a remodeling project.

If you can give me an idea if you think you'll be able to show up, let me know. Bring an edited dvd for the rest of us to enjoy if you like, if not, I have a whole library of chase tapes and dvds to choose from.

Look forward in hearing from you and any sudden change of plans will be promptly posted here on ST.
I am open this time around. I'll be there! I have always wanted to got one of these parties. Rocky, it's really a great deal that you put these get-togethers on year after year. Just shows how great of a guy you are.

I'll definitely keep your brother in law in my thoughts as he goes through this tough battle. I hope he stays strong.
Nevertheless, I will still be at Rocky's if the date doesn't change.
Yikes! I neglected to look at all the posts under this subject header about the get together in Tulsa. Perhaps I should move this to the following weekend Feb. 7th. Thoughts?
Of course I vote for the 7th as well lol lol....
Rocky since your brother in law is up here in Tulsa, and if you decide to move yours to the the 7th, we would love it if you got a chance to stop by!
The directions are on the original post or feel free to send a message to Jeff or myself.
Hope to see you there!
I can make the 7th Rocky. If this winds up the actual date of the event, I'll be there!
I would love to come out on the 7th, but I am going to be leaving for the Carribean on the 7th. My SDS has gotten out of hand, so I figure a week in the Carribean where there is warm weather and daily convection should help me out. By the time I get back it will be just a few weeks until the "exhibition season" of storm chasing!
I should be able to make it to either date.
But, be warned, I will be bringing the video you love so much from last year, Rocky. :rolleyes:
Wish I could join y'all, but it's a loooong walk to Oklahoma from Texas - on a cane. LOL Dang. There with you in spirit ... maybe you could post that video, Charles, on You Tube so the rest of us could watch it?!? LOL Have fun!!