Retrieving still images from video

Oct 24, 2007
Hey i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get still images from video. I use an Aiptek HD video camera. Do you need to buy special software to make still images or can you do it another way?
You'll need to get a video editing program onto your computer and a firewire or USB cable to connect your camera to your computer, so that you can capture video. Since you have an HD camera, you'll need to get an HD editing program. Also, make sure you have plenty of space available on your computer, because the HD format takes up a lot more space than non-HD.

A lot of the video cameras nowadays come with some generic editing software. You might double check the box that your camera came in. I just use a panasonic 3CCD GS500 video camera and I didn't realize that it had come with DV motion(a video editing program) disc when I purchased it till just recently.

I hope that helps. Once you have some type of editing program, it should have an easy method for obtaining video stills, such as a still shot button.
This is not to say that your vidcam works anything like mine, but here's how I create vidcaps, just FYI: I have a Canon Optura 50 vidcam that also takes 2 meg still images and stores them on an SD memory card.

My favorite technique for creating vidcaps is to

1) plug the camera into my television, so I can best see what a given frame from a video looks like,
2) find the individual frame with the best image,
3) push the "photo" button on the vidcam's remote control, and the image is stored to the memory card.

Then I can remove the card from the vidcam and plug it into the card reader port in my new computer, upload, and edit the image using one of several editing programs at my disposal.

I don't know if that helps you out any, but I hope it does!
This is free but basic, no fancy bells and whistles but you can take frames out as still images. I didn't post this originally because you mentioned HD video but I just happened to see that it supposedly does work with HD video so....

If it works great but if not at least it was free to try. ;)
VirtualDub is very simple. It supports alot of video formats but not all. If you video opens in Virtualdub just hit play and when you get to your part of the video where you want a still just use the frame forward and frame back to find the perfect part of the video and then in the Menu on the top Select 'VIDEO' and then 'COPY SOURCE TO CLIPBOARD' and then open your image program and Paste the frame into the Image software application and save.

Several other Video Editing apps will also help you achieve this such as Pinnacle Studio. Your best method I think is Virtual Dub. Good luck...

This might make people laugh....but it works:

I Downloaded a free "sport video" player that works with windows media files and allows you to do freeze frame advancement, its excellent for lightning stills. I get the image I want, take a screen shot, paste it into MS paint and then crop the Image.

I believe its Yessoft that has the free player for download.
InterVideo WinDVD 8 Platinum

Easy to use, supports multiple formats including HD, allows frame-by-frame navigation. The image is captured in BMP, just a simple 2 step process of capture image and save to folder. Very user friendly, I’m not sure how well it would capture an HD image but the resulting image from SD is excellent. Since they have a free trial period you can determine that for yourself and if it’s worth the price.

Just a note, I had no problems installing on my desktop running XP but could not install on my laptop running Vista. It’s supposed to be Vista compatible but not with mine, one of numerous problems I’ve been having with Vista.:mad:
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