Respected Canucky chaser going after Frances

George Kourounis, a well respected Ontario based chaser headed out yesterday to intercept Hurricane Frances. His site and accounts of the adventure can be found here:

George Kourounis

Best of luck George!!

Yep, he's going along with Dave Lewison, Scott McPartland, and Mark Robinson. I talked with Dave this morning and they were traveling through North Carolina on their way to Florida.

Scott Blair's heading toward Florida as well with one of his professors, and they will be deploying equipment to record Frances' landfall.

I'll relay any reports from these two if I can get through to either of them during and/or after the event.

Jason Politte
Conway, AR
He was interviewed on a morning current events show (Canada AM) wearing the helmet cam. Pretty kewl! My original post had a link to the interview, but the gentleman who had it on his site was taking heat from the media outlets so he had to pull it.

Be well, TR
I am pretty sure it was him that was interviewed this morning on Fox News channel via cell phone. If I am mistaken please correct me.