Chasing in Argentina
As some of you know, several Stormtrack members are currently chasing in Argentina, as now is prime storm season east of the Andes. Chasers Reed Timmer, Scott Currens, J.R. Hehnly and Chris Chittick arrived in Buenos Aires on the 27th of December and expect to be back on ~ January 11th. They hit the ground running and
bagged a wedge on the very first day they were there, and expect the next few days to be great opportunities as well -- Reed compared today's set-up to March 28, 2007, with a strong LLJ set to take shape early this afternoon. Anyway, I'd like to use this thread not so much to just update on what the guys are experiencing now, but to use this to share info, as I know several other veteran chasers have expressed interest in going to SA next season. Joel Taylor and Aaron Ruppert were actually there at the beginning of December as well, and they saw some nice storms and had a great experience. As far as I know they plan to return next year.
Scott has
set up a page on his website with all sorts of weather links for Argentina, which I think many of you will find of great interest. The guys keep comparing the Pampas to the Texas Panhandle or southwest Kansas, with good roads, amazing visibility and great people who are willing to help with the language barrier -- and of course, Plains-quality storms. There is still a lot of skill necessary to make a good target forecast "upside down," but I think some of the other "barriers" that were more or less assumed before are being proven as non-issues with the these recent trips. Data is not easy to obtain in the field, so if you want to chase like it's the '80s or '90s again, Argentina may be a great choice!