Rebuild New Orleans

Rebuild or Abandon New Orleans?

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I think they should rebuild. Even though the cost of rebuilding is going to be enourmous, repairing what is there will be less expensive than relocating. If everyone helps out, it can be done. The state and local government needs to spend whatever is neccessary to make sure that this can never happen again though. I never realized that New Orleans was not capable of handling a major hurricane. Flood control measures, designed to withstand a major hurricane, should have been in place a long time ago. I hope they don't make the same mistake again.
I'm all for rebuilding, but I don't think insurers will cover anything inside those levees anymore unless the building elevations are significantly raised. They can probably dredge all that up from the Mississippi but it will be a ton of work. I think the insurance industry will be dangling the carrot on this issue.

I don't disagree -- but by that logic, the insurance industry shouldn't cover anyone along the entire Gulf Coast or the southeastern coast of the U.S.

This may become a reality as the hurricanes continue to get more and more frequent and intense (anyone here actually think this season has been just a fluke?) and rampant coastal development continues. The question is, how many more intense storms will have to hit and cause total devastation and over what period of time before the industry decides it's had enough?
Phase three is the Galveston-esque raising of the town above sea level and up to a height of about 20 to 30 feet.

To what end? The area is still going to sink, maybe at an accellerated rate with all that loading placed on what is sand, muck--and no rock at all!