Jay Press
Hey Guys,
This is Brian Press posting under my brothers account. I am in the process of reactivating it..
Anyway, I am pretty clueless when it come to alot of this weather forecasting but I am finally getting better understanding of the important severe elements.
One major question I have is how do you read the cinh (cap) map? I live in Southern California and have a friend who gets me super cheep buddy passes so I can jump on a plane with just a day notice.. Anyway, I have been thinking about coming out for the Monday / Tesday setup but now SPC and others are talking about a cap.. I understand its a warm layer of air, but how do you know when it's gona break. In the attached photo for this 0Z Tuesday (Monday Evening) it shows -10 just SE of OKC, and -40ish near Wichita Falls. Everything else look OK for this setup, yes, I know the winds are veering a bit at 850, but it does seem the surface winds back, but what about that cap.. (Sorry MOD's don't mean for this to turn into a forecast thread, just want some insight on these maps). Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks All,
This is Brian Press posting under my brothers account. I am in the process of reactivating it..
Anyway, I am pretty clueless when it come to alot of this weather forecasting but I am finally getting better understanding of the important severe elements.
One major question I have is how do you read the cinh (cap) map? I live in Southern California and have a friend who gets me super cheep buddy passes so I can jump on a plane with just a day notice.. Anyway, I have been thinking about coming out for the Monday / Tesday setup but now SPC and others are talking about a cap.. I understand its a warm layer of air, but how do you know when it's gona break. In the attached photo for this 0Z Tuesday (Monday Evening) it shows -10 just SE of OKC, and -40ish near Wichita Falls. Everything else look OK for this setup, yes, I know the winds are veering a bit at 850, but it does seem the surface winds back, but what about that cap.. (Sorry MOD's don't mean for this to turn into a forecast thread, just want some insight on these maps). Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks All,
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