Radarscope on PC with Android

Ashton S Lemley

Jan 28, 2022
Oxford, Mississippi
Hi all,

As many of you know, Radarscope requires a separate purchase or Tier 2 subscription to get Radarscope on PC.

If you have already purchased the Android version you can install an Android emulator called Bluestacks, and install Radarscope within the emulator without a separate purchase. It works as good as a real Android on my PC.

Another method I am testing is installing the Google Playstore on Windows 11. It now has an Android subsystem that allows you to install apk in Windows.
Not for anything weather-related, but I did use Bluestacks *years ago* for running some android apps (on a Win XP laptop). other than being a bit slow it worked nicely.
More recently I was thinking about trying Android-x86 (in this case it would be for weather related).
If you go with Android x86 be sure to do a bare metal install. I couldn't to do bare metal on my work laptop haha, so I tried with VMware and VirtualBox....and it was slow. I was thinking about trying it out again with bare metal on an old Lenovo T440 that I have.

I was able to get Google playstore installed on the Android subsystem for Windows 11, but I haven't been able to get the subsystem to connect to network. Once I get that figured out and successfully get Radarscope installed that way.....I may post a how-to for it.
I'm not sure an app like that would run natively on an x86 CPU. I've found that Android X86 is very hit and miss, that's why blue-stacks emulates an arm CPU. Though I may be wrong since last time I messed with it was on my Dell Latitude D610 back around 2017 (I know that some android tablets are now running Intel Atoms, so Radarscope might work on both).

GR Level 3 is what I use since it will run on about anything that supports DX9 (I recently had GR Level 2 running on my Toshiba Tecra 530CDT with 64mb of ram and a Pentium MMX, and its totally usable).
With Android-x86 the 2 weather apps I'd be installing would be wX and Windy .. I'm not sure how resource-hungry either is - if they'd be painfully slow, or ok (assuming using VirtualBox. rather than doing a bare metal install).
Or if they'd run correctly for that matter.
Those are good points you guys brought up that I hadn't thought...

I might "just try it" at some point...more out of curiosity than anything. Really not much is lost of it doesn't work.