Radar images of 29 may 2004 outbreak...

Here's one way to get them (if nobody posts them).

1. Get Digital Atmosphere (it will run in a fully working mode for 30 days).
2. Go to NCDC/HDSS and enter the information for the radar dataset you want.
3. Wait about 2-24 hours for it to post the radar file; watch your E-mail.
4. Unzip the radar images you want from the archive. I forgot the internal naming format but the "traditional" base reflectivity radar images should be showing up with "r0" or "bref1" in the filename.
5. Import those unzipped images into Digital Atmosphere with Radar > Load.
6. Success!

Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
Here's one way to get them (if nobody posts them).
2. Go to NCDC/HDSS and enter the information for the radar dataset you want.
3. Wait about 2-24 hours for it to post the radar file; watch your E-mail.


Over the past couple of weeks, I've downloaded data from about 10 different days with about 3GB of data. The typical wait time after submitting a request is now about 1-10 minutes, not hours. That system is still unreliable and sometimes requests just disappear for a day or so. But overall, it's usually quite fast now when it's working. Definitely an excellent resource.

Regarding May 29th, if you are wanting images from the southern KS storms, you might find that the data from ICT for that date to be missing some times, etc. The radar at VNX is still fairly close and the data from NCDC is complete for the 29th and 30th.