pyrocumulus pictures

Wow, those are very nice pictures. That cumulus cloud at the top of the smoke plume is pretty rock hard too. Very interesting. You can tell the air aloft is very cold in the picture.
Originally posted by Joel Wright
Wow, those are very nice pictures. That cumulus cloud at the top of the smoke plume is pretty rock hard too. Very interesting. You can tell the air aloft is very cold in the picture.

Yes Joel I agree with you...It looks like that the boyancy of the pyrocumulus has broken the CAP and has created a new way for the rising of the air. I rember I read an interesting article where it spokes about the influences of thermoelectric industries in broking the cap :)

When it comes to dry weather and fires, pyrocumulus such as the ones posted are very nice to look at! Thanks for those!

Knowing we are the sunburnt country here in Australia take a look at these:

This is my favourite link thus far when it comes to powerful bushfire pyrocumulonimbus! Click and enlarge the images

These were form the Canberra bushfires early 2003 where over 500 homes were destroyed in about an afternoon and night time period. Canberra is our capital city and is located about 3 hours drive south of Sydney.

Here are some of my own not as spectacular as these above.



Some more links: