Problems with Delorme Earthmate GP

Jan 7, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Have Delorme Earthmate GPS LT-40 hooked up to Lenovo laptop. Worked great with GR3and Vista. Then changed OS to Vista Professional and now it won't pick up a signal. Any ideas on how to get this to work. Only com port it offers me is Com3. TIA.
I have an LT-40 also, and it sits in a drawer collecting dust. My opinion is that you would be better off to get a NMEA compliant USB GPS puck and forgo the Delorme offering and their proprietary serial emulator software. My life became MUCH EASIER when I stopped using mine and got a Globalsat BU-353 and a couple of Microsoft GPS pucks.

Here is a good buy for around $20 for a two year old version. It includes this GPS unit that sells for almost $50 by itself.

But to address your question directly, do you have the latest version of Delorme Serial Emulator for your version of Windows? If you do, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it. Here is a link to the updated product.

Good luck!