Gas continues to drop here in Denver, with some stations charging as low as $1.79 for regular unleaded, but most of the stations in Denver are running in the $1.90 to $2.10 range. The last time I remember gas being under $2 a gallon was when I was still in middle school in 2002-2003!
Of course, I just filled up my car three days ago for $2.16, but it only cost me $30 even to fill up with 14 gallons, and my cash lean college student wallet is singing an almighty 'Hallelujah' as gas prices continue to creep downward...
With the latest economic projections showing the recession lasting through mid to late next year, and with oil prices being so heavily dependent on the strength of the economy, I think it would be safe to say that these gas prices aren't going back up anytime soon... some marginal increases are certainly possible around heavy travel times, but I think it would be safe to say that gas will be well under $3 a gallon come next chase season.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the 2009 chase season is shaping up to completely buck the trend of the skyrocketing chasing costs due to fuel prices witnessed last few years and will make storm chasing a truly affordable proposition once more (at least for this season, anyway.)
I know for certain that, as work and school permit, I will be out as many times as humanly possible this coming season taking full advantage of these dirt cheap fuel prices