Prayers needed...and ANSWERED!

Dec 8, 2003
Southeast CO
I just received word that my girlfriend (and chaser) Floss' son Matt has been in an accident on his bike. I don't even know if that means bicycle or motorcycle, but I assume motorcycle....

Right know he's unconscious in the hospital with what his brother says are "serious head injuries".

Prayers are quite welcome right now.


Here's a pic of Matt from last summer with his son Andrew and newborn daughter Erica.


Sorry to hear that Bob, I pray that Floss son will be okay
and my prayers go out to you, Floss, her son and everyone
that know him, that he gets well soon and be okay

There's power in prayer :) Hopefully things will turn out fine and there's just a little time needed for recuperation. My best to him and his family.
Bob, I hope everything works out ok, and you bet your bottom dollar I will send a special prayer to the man upstairs.
Thank you all soooo much for your prayers.

So far they are working. Matt is comatose, and there's no telling how long he will remain comatose, but he at least made it through the night. He will get another catscan this afternoon to determine swelling. His collarbone is also broken. I didn't even know he had a bike. Well, Floss says he just bought the "crotch rocket" about a week ago. He was wearing a helmet, fortunately.

Keep me posted and let me know how Mom is doing or tell her to get ahold of me. We'll be praying for Matt, Holly and the kids.
This afternoon's catscan revealed that there is more swelling in Matt's brain. The doctors tell Floss that if it gets any worse, there will be pressure on his spinal cord, and he may become a quadriplegic.

I guess the good news is that 24 hours have passed now, and he's still alive.

Thanks so much again, everyone. I will keep you posted.


Jo, Mom is doing about as expected. She said she did get about 1/2 hour to an hour of sleep, though.
I may not state this 100% correctly, but this morning the doctors said that the top part of Matt's brain, the part that is his consciousness and his personality...what makes Matt "Matt", (as opposed to the part that controls bodily functions such as breathing and heart pumping), has ceased to function.

Matt's wife, Holly, says that she and Matt had discussed this possibility (living will, per se), and Matt had told Holly that he would not want to be kept alive with life support in this condition.

There will be an MRI this afternoon to confirm the diagnosis, and, if confirmed, the family plans to tell the doctors to remove Matt from life support tonight.

I'm flying there tomorrow.

Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement.


Here's another picture of Matt with wife Holly and son Andrew from Christmas 2000:

This is so sad to hear, and I see from the pictures you posted that Matt has a beautiful and loving family.

I'm praying for you, for Matt, and your entire family.

Take care,

Shawna Helt