Possible ball lightning video

Thank you Tom for letting me know no hail. So do not have a clue, could be a discharge from the power line that may have been hit by lightning down the line?
Guys I think Eric Sipes has it nailed. The object he pointed out that jumps towards the right in the foreground does appear to be the same object as the object in question. It even flies/jumps similarly. @1:08 it jumps from the ground at the edge of the road very near the camera all the way to the right of the screen.

Here's where the smoking gun (IMO) comes into play. I looked for a similar arc leading up to (to the right of) the "ball lightning" sequence and sure enough, in two frames BEFORE the lightning flash and one frame after you can see the object to the RIGHT of the telephone pole ascending the arc in front of the clouds. It's very blurred and impossible to make out unless you're stepping through the frames. The lightning flash really obscures things and makes it look like the object just falls out of the sky.
It's pretty funny that in this thread of over 45 posts there's about 10-15 different ideas as to what it really is. I've watched the vid probably 20+ times and still can't really get a grasp on what it might be. I originally thought the object actually disappeared behind the treeline and the little streak in front of the treeline was just an optical illusion due to low camera resolution. However, the more I watch it the more it looks like it is in fact in front of that treeline.

One thing that makes me think this was something unrelated to lightning is the fact that I've never seen anything like this before on camera or in person. Think of all the lightning we've all witnessed in person, and on video and none of us have ever witnessed anything like what appears to be in the video here. Just seems a bit odd that something could be so rare as to not be captured by film until now out of all the storms that get recorded.