Pics or vids from inside the eye of Charley??

Feb 19, 2004
Erie IL
Since this major hurricane hit in the day time I was wondering if anyone got any shots from inside the eye where it is calmer and possibly a glimpse of blue sky. So far I haven't been able to locate any pics from inside the eye of this storm. It was fast moving and had an extremely small eye, but since it did hit in the day time and many chasers were on it I was hoping to see a few pics. Has anyone else had any luck yet?
PS: I have seen some incredible footage from inside of the eyewall, but it must not have been a direct hit by the eye though as there were no vids of the actual eye itself. Unless it wasn't included in the list of vids or pics....
By the time Charley reached my area, I think it was a little too muddled for me to get a pic of the eye. I got a few pic's from a back porch of some of the wind blowing around the trees but that was all.

I had better pictures of Bonnie's remnants blowing through than I have of anything else so far.
Wow Jeff! That was really cool video.

Thanks for sharing it with us! :)
For those of us not familiar with the location would it be possible to post a map showing your intrepid teams positions in the area with relation to the track of Charley.
Originally posted by Mike Sharp
For those of us not familiar with the location would it be possible to post a map showing your intrepid teams positions in the area with relation to the track of Charley.

Ok, here is a Yahoo Map that is the best that I can find that will give you the general area where we were at during the storm. We did venture out in all directions from the central location only to get back in time when the worst of the storm hit.

Our location where the building we took shelter is just above the red star and just below the park. Before the eye wall hit, all of us were out watching different areas of the town with in a block or two of this location. Which is hella cool since we don't just have 5 minutes of one thing happening but with all the footage combined for the DVD project, we have a freaking movie of the destruction of the town of Punta Gorda. I'm just about done with encoding all the video to a new 250 Gig hard Drive and the drive is already half full of the raw video!!!

The video from the link above is pretty good. Was that the camera moving or was the hood really bouncing up and down like that? Also, that Ford Explorer parked across the street seemd to fair pretty well. I'm surprised it didn't flip.

It seems like you can be in too good of a position. If you are in the strongest wind and rain squalls the visibility is almost zero. those last two videos have some amazing footage. A perefect balance of strong winds and good visibility. I wonder where the chasers were, it looked like they could have been nailed at any moment.
The video from the link above is pretty good. Was that the camera moving or was the hood really bouncing up and down like that?

We were all in Punta Gorda FL about 2 blocks from each other. Yes, that hood was bouncing like that and was ready to rip off the front of the truck. Wait until the whole DVD / VHS video is ready for sale. We have the ultimate hurricane chase video that is several hours long that will take you through the whole storm. Its not going to have fluff or filler crap in it but just moving from camera to camera along the time line of the storm as it happened and what the 6 of us all saw.
I posted this over in the Target Area, but figured I would copy it over here as well since this seems to have picked up some more activity. Some pics from a military hurricane plane inside the eye of Charley.


I found a couple of Hurrican Charley eye pics... I heard they were few
and far between but stumbled upon them when viewing an Air Force

Enjoy (56k beware, large pics)!
OVER FLORIDA -- This view of the outer wall of the eye of Hurricane
Charley was taken from a C-130H aircraft Aug. 13 at 3 p.m. With the
information the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron collected, the
hurricane was upgraded to a Category 4 storm Aug. 13. (U.S. Air Force
photo by Tech. Sgt. Tracy L. DeMarco)
OVER FLORIDA -- As Hurricane Charley approached the Florida coast,
wind speeds increased to a top speed of 148 knots (170 mph) while the
diameter of the storm's eye decreased to an intense 5 miles. This view
of the outer wall of the eye was taken from a C-130H aircraft Aug. 13
at 2:55 p.m. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Tracy L. DeMarco)

For other pics and site link visit:
Hurricane Charley Video

Here is the scoop. The video will be for sale on 08/29/2004.

Whats on it? Well, its not tropical storm video from Fort Meyers...

We have six of the best weather videographers shooting some of the best
hurricane footage of all time.
We take you on a fly on the wall hurriance chase with us from start to
finish where you get to see everything we saw as it happened.

The video is almost two and a half hours long.
To watch the demo of what we have,
The demo video is almost 30 megs

For Sale On 08/29/2004
Price $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping