Phoenix Haboob

Phoenix gets multiple haboobs every monsoon season. They move into the city from the desert floor southeast of the city, or off the northeastern mountain terrain. Sadly most of them are shallow outflow boundary haboobs that dissipate somewhat quickly upon entering the city, instead of a dust front of a major thunderstorm.

Looks like there was scattered moderate rainfall through the city. Hooray!
I did chase that gnarly sand wall and it was great. (shot on slide film) I love to drive right up to the edge of the sand wall and look up, and shoot so I can see the edge where the sand meets the clear sky, and then put safety glasses on and let it roll over me. Sand storms have such a dramatic look. Last night I got to do the edge twice. The first time it came over, I shot it, then drove north to outrun it, then hit it again to the east. Rad.

Following the sand wall of course are thunderstorms. So after that there was some lightning to be had. Rain came later as well. The lightning was not as strong as other monsoon storms I have seen; the sand wall was the spectacular feature lastnight.

Now...if only blowing sand made our sunsets blue like it does on Mars. That would be a picture!
Incredible stuff there, David. I bet that creates a logistical nightmare during the afternoon commute!
G R I D L O C K !!
Ive been fascinated with Haboobs ever since I learned about them. Would love to experience one out there in Arizona for sure. Looking forward to Susans pictures.

Happy Chasing,..
