Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20 -- What are your thoughts?

This camera is $599 and if you get a Digital Rebel they start @ 799$, but can be cheaper. The digital rebel is 6MP, instead of 5MP, and has interchangable lenses.

I would put up the 200$ extra and go for the Canon Digital Rebel.

I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC LC5, it's not the best camera, the reviews are soso, but I just love mine!!! It's going to be my first storm chasing season with it.

Of course the DSLR are more popular because of interchnageable lenses and so on, I totally agree, but something that is unbeatable on the Lumix are the Leica lenses, the color rendition is just amazing and you'll never get that type of quality with lenses included in the DSLR kits, unless you upgrade for higher grade lens.

My 2 cents!
Yeah, thats my gripe with the Digital SLRs, such a high cost to get into, and then the fact that additional lenses cost so much.. That's why I was leaning toward the Panasonic because the lense is quite amazing.. focal length of 36mm - 432mm.
This camera looks really good - I saw an ad for it today on television and was going to check into it and you just gave me a reason! The onyl grip that I have with this cam is the widest 35mm equivalent is 36mm. Not ideal if you want to take good structure shots etc. And the wide adapter is $400 DOLLARS according to the website. A little much.
Personnally, If I would have the cash for it, I would buy it right away! I just love those Leica lenses... don't forget that it also has image stabilizer at that price I think is a good deal!

I would definately go for the video camera first. Still images are nice, but video is always better :)

I am also considering the Panasonic PV-GS250 3CCD.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking, for one, the video camera is slightly more expensive, and my dad said he would help me out with buying it, then if I save up again, I won't have to save as much.. or I just beg my mom :p

It took me a bit to decide between the Sony DCR-TRV480 and the Panasonic PV-GS250, I like low light, but I also like good quality footage, therefore I chose to go with the panny with the 3ccd... :)