Overlay storm reports on SPC outlooks

May 1, 2004
Springfield, IL
I wrote a webpage with a series of scripts that takes archived storm reports graphics and overlays them on top of the Day 1 convective outlook from that day:


Here are a few examples:




My original intent was to just make an easier to use page for viewing archived outlooks, but then I got carried away with the interface and adding features.

Click the checkboxes beside the outlook thumbsnails to turn them on and off. Turning them off makes the page update faster since it doesn't have to download the entire outlook. Click on the graphic to see it full size and the text button to launch a pop up with the full forecast. The outlooks thumbnails should work several years back. The storm reports overlays, however, only work back to June of 2004 because SPC was using two different formats for the reports and outlooks before then.

If anything this page is useful for seeing how SPC forecasts verified. Enjoy!
Looks to me like the SPC should have had a 15% tornado risk on June 9th, 2005, Those dang SPC forcasters always screwing things up, JK :lol:

By the way I love it :D
Originally posted by Bill Tabor
Nice Skip, but when you can do that for tomorrow instead of yesterday - then you'll really have something.

lol, I'm planning on making some model overlays next... that might be a step in that direction.