I am one of those who hates a lot of stuff cluttering up a vehicle. Last year I purchased a seat organizer and I gotta tell you, it rocks! It will hold all your maps/atlas's, flashlight, scanner, kestrel, etc...anything you need it too. When I'm not chasing, I just flip it around and it hangs off the back of the seat. If I'm chasing (and no one is with me), I hang it over the front of the passenger seat and everything is easily accessible.
For only $25, it's not a bad investement. They have a couple other styles too, or you might be able to find something cheaper on ebay. Here's the link to the one I purchased:
Thought I would pass this along to all of you who have maps sliding all over over the dash :lol:
For only $25, it's not a bad investement. They have a couple other styles too, or you might be able to find something cheaper on ebay. Here's the link to the one I purchased:
Thought I would pass this along to all of you who have maps sliding all over over the dash :lol: