Staff member
A fellow chaser sent this to me. I downloaded the PDF and read the bill. I think it’s just proposed at this point, not passed. And if it is passed, I don’t think it takes effect until July 1. From what I can tell, the licensure is not required to “chase,” and it says nothing about people “chasing” without a license. Its only purpose seems to be to pass roadblocks or gain access to restricted areas. Appears to have no impact as a practical matter - chasers generally couldn’t get past roadblocks before, and we still won’t be able to. The only risk is that this law encourages more roadblocks. But I don’t see that happening. That would imply that LEOs were only keeping roads open in the past just in case there happened to be a media or research chaser that wanted to get through.
Curious about others’ thoughts on this, especially those in OK that may have local intel.
Curious about others’ thoughts on this, especially those in OK that may have local intel.

Oklahoma SB158 | 2025 | Regular Session
Bill Text (2025-02-19) Severe weather tracking creating the Oklahoma Emergency Weather Response and Tracking Regulatory Act of 2025. Effective date. Emergency. [Referred to Appropriations]