Oh no.........an ice storm

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY
A winter storm warning is in effect for my area of Kentucky for today, with the heaviest amounts of freezing rain expected to occur between 7 am and noon. Total amounts range from .25 to .75". I really hope it stays toward the lighter side of that possibility.

I had an uncle who just passed away Thursday night and his funeral will be tomorrow. Hopefully there won't be any power outages, as that's the last thing we need right now on top of everything else.

At any rate, traffic doesn't seem to be moving any slower than a slightly reduced rate, so there must not be much on the highways yet. But my car is getting a pretty good coat of ice on the windows and sides.

Thanks Adrian.

There's some accumulation taking place on trees, but it's not too bad yet. As of right now, the temp has warmed to 32 degrees. So I'm pretty much sitting on the rain/ice line. It appears that perhaps it won't be as bad as was expected earlier. I sure hope that's the case.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

We're on the snow side of this storm. NWS called for accumlations oh less than one inch, but we've already got a couple inches, and its still coming down.
Inch or less forecasted, and seems to be about that at the moment. I spent about 3 hours on the road in my area, and I only saw a plow truck twice. I spent some time in town, and people are crashing everywhere. An accident roughly every 4 minutes until the cops were all too busy to respond; they were considering calling in the midnight units for backup.

Very busy night, and traffic everywhere. Great stuff.
We had a tenth of an inch of snow this morning. We're now up to a whopping 10.8" for the season!! Wow, I'm sure glad I went for the 4X4 to handle all these blizzards.. :roll: