NWS budget cuts

On another forum, someone is saying that the ITO role is critical because they fulfill WFO application development duties. Can anyone speak to this? Are the WFOs creating a bunch of useful applications, and is it usually the ITO that's doing this?
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saying that the ITO role is critical because they fulfill WFO application development duties. Can anyone speak to this? Are the WFOs creating a bunch of useful applications, and is it usually the ITO that's doing this?

Not the job of the NWS to create apps. Job of the NWS is to provide forecasts and warnings and to create/maintain the meteorological infrastructure.

We need the ITO to keep things running, especially in critical wx.
Not really, allowing UAV's to fly in the US is something that is needed as we move into the future.

Regarding ITOs, they aren't developing "apps" in the iPhone sense of the word. They are able to customize / add-on to AWIPS(1&2) to assist in the forecast process. Non-ITO's can also do so, but the ITO position in my guess has more time to do so.
As a reminder, please remember that political discussion is only allowed in B&G. Obviously, this entire topic (NWS funding) is intricately wrapped in policy decisions at the federal government level. However, please keep all comments directly relevant to the NWS, NOAA, and publicly-funded weather entities. Discussions regarding broader political issues are only allowed in B&G.