Saw this in a slideshow posted on CNN website...
The rest of the show is also very interesting. You might want to check it out.
In case the site gets taken down I am copying the slide photo and text here.
MODS: Note: I am *Not trying to rip off copyrighted material*
Also, "Storm Track" is mentioned in the site, so I don't see anything wrong with posting this.
But if you don't agree please take whatever action you wish...
The authors of this site are careful to point out that several of the other
photos are composites or outright fakes, but this one is presented as the real McCoy.
MY OPINION: this picture is probably a very old fake.
Tornado is descending from straight rows of mammatus clouds, not even spiraling in toward it.
Back in the day, it was commonly thought that tornadoes descended from mammatus clusters.
(If anyone's interested I'll see if I can find an old encyclopedia article that say's just that)
There appears to be no debris cloud, but there is a blurry area about as wide as the gap in the
trees at the base of the funnel. The backlighting seems about right. The discussion mentions that
the people are storm chasers, but in 1898 they would have been chasing on horseback, or very
slow automobiles on dirt roads, --not likely.
Note: trees on left side look wind-blown, trees on right -- not so much.
Can you spot the "ghosts" in the picture ? I think these are artifacts of
dark room double-exposures, old-school overlay superimposing.
Still, a very interesting photo, no ?
60 Jarring Nature Photos
This tornado that was caught on camera near Oklahoma City back in 1898.
Source: Reddit
When this tornado struck the town of Waynoka, Oklahoma, in May of 1898, someone was prepared with a camera to capture the twister. Some claim that the two unidentified gentlemen in this photograph were engaging in storm chasing when this image was taken, but David Hoadley, who was born in 1938, a whole forty years after this photograph was taken, is the first recognized storm chaser. Hoadley began his career as a storm chaser in 1956 in North Dakota, using date from nearby airports and weather offices. Hoadley founded “Storm Track” magazine. If the men in this pic were, indeed, storm chasing, they were most likely just amateurs who liked to watch wicked weather.
The rest of the show is also very interesting. You might want to check it out.
In case the site gets taken down I am copying the slide photo and text here.
MODS: Note: I am *Not trying to rip off copyrighted material*
Also, "Storm Track" is mentioned in the site, so I don't see anything wrong with posting this.
But if you don't agree please take whatever action you wish...
The authors of this site are careful to point out that several of the other
photos are composites or outright fakes, but this one is presented as the real McCoy.
MY OPINION: this picture is probably a very old fake.
Tornado is descending from straight rows of mammatus clouds, not even spiraling in toward it.
Back in the day, it was commonly thought that tornadoes descended from mammatus clusters.
(If anyone's interested I'll see if I can find an old encyclopedia article that say's just that)
There appears to be no debris cloud, but there is a blurry area about as wide as the gap in the
trees at the base of the funnel. The backlighting seems about right. The discussion mentions that
the people are storm chasers, but in 1898 they would have been chasing on horseback, or very
slow automobiles on dirt roads, --not likely.
Note: trees on left side look wind-blown, trees on right -- not so much.
Can you spot the "ghosts" in the picture ? I think these are artifacts of
dark room double-exposures, old-school overlay superimposing.
Still, a very interesting photo, no ?
60 Jarring Nature Photos
This tornado that was caught on camera near Oklahoma City back in 1898.

Source: Reddit
When this tornado struck the town of Waynoka, Oklahoma, in May of 1898, someone was prepared with a camera to capture the twister. Some claim that the two unidentified gentlemen in this photograph were engaging in storm chasing when this image was taken, but David Hoadley, who was born in 1938, a whole forty years after this photograph was taken, is the first recognized storm chaser. Hoadley began his career as a storm chaser in 1956 in North Dakota, using date from nearby airports and weather offices. Hoadley founded “Storm Track” magazine. If the men in this pic were, indeed, storm chasing, they were most likely just amateurs who liked to watch wicked weather.