
Rod Neff

Does anyone use NoaaPort? Does it cost less then XM WX Satellite Weather ??

NOAAport requires a dish or highspeed internet (commercial installer)

Expect to pay around $200/month in support fees (unless you DIY) with a base install cost of about $10,000 if you have no equipment already (dish, machine, etc)

You basically have two options for mobile weather.

The XM system or you go with your own wireless data provider like Verizon and get your data off the internet
Not quite... Although certainly not a comparison to WXWorx. This is not a mobile solution.

NOAAPORT requires a 8-10ft dish, downconverter, and decoder box. Anywhere from $500 - $1500 (max) depending on what you can rummage up for free (same dish as the 'old' TV satellite receivers use.)

From there you can pipe the data into a Linux or Windows box. Windows only supports the text products, Linux will feed EVERYTHING into GEMPAK or whatever else you want.

There is no cost other than the hardware. Everything else is free... Look for the data flow to expand considerably via NOAAPORT with time, as the new system supports T3 speeds!

- Rob
Who sells cheap decoders for NOAAPORT? A lot of folks outside town have the old HBO dishes and I've been giving some thought to buying one off them. Wonder if it needs a different LNA/feedhorn to "retune" it.

The primary one is a Novra, which runs around $320. Some users are having success with a Twinhan card, but only on Windows as far as I've heard, which costs about $100.

- Rob
Who sells cheap decoders for NOAAPORT? A lot of folks outside town have the old HBO dishes and I've been giving some thought to buying one off them. Wonder if it needs a different LNA/feedhorn to "retune" it.



You can use one of those dishes and feed horns as long as it's a C-Band setup (the majority of the big dishes are). Just beware that a lot of those LNA's that have been sitting around may be toast... but good units are easy to come by on the internet.