That is actually a really good idea, thanks for posting the topic. If you have family or friends that are living without one it would be a great gift.

Make sure they know how to set it up too! The newer models have many settings and you don't want them waking up in the middle of the night for a flash flood when they don't live near a river. It can lead to frustration, and turning the radio off completely.
That is actually a really good idea, thanks for posting the topic. If you have family or friends that are living without one it would be a great gift.

Make sure they know how to set it up too! The newer models have many settings and you don't want them waking up in the middle of the night for a flash flood when they don't live near a river. It can lead to frustration, and turning the radio off completely.

Sounds exactly like what my parents did when I bought them an all hazards radio a couple christmases ago. I had the thing set up with the right SAME code and everything, but I guess they got irritated that it went off in the middle of the night for a LEGITIMATE alert. When I tried explaining to them that it was supposed to go off anytime there was an emergency (including the middle of the night) , it was like talking to a brick wall. My parents are the type that still assume the tornado sirens will wake them up, so they think the radio is useless. :?