Dan Robinson
Don't wait for the order to be shipped. It probably won't. You'll get a call in a few days saying the item is backordered for weeks. If it does ship, your camera won't have batteries, chargers and other essential parts. I'd cancel it now and save time and hassle. Waiting will make it harder to recover any money that is lost.
I've never been through this personally but have seen it happen before to others. Just reading the resellerratings.com entries, in the end not one person got the correct equipment at the advertised price. It's not going to be any different for your order.
The few hundred dollars extra for going through a B&H-caliber store is worth it. It's only October, chase season is far enough away - there's plenty of time to save up and get the legit deal.
I've always wondered how these companies can stay in business in the USA without getting taken down by the Feds the first week. Unbelievable.
I'd cancel the order ASAP. Don't wait.
I've never been through this personally but have seen it happen before to others. Just reading the resellerratings.com entries, in the end not one person got the correct equipment at the advertised price. It's not going to be any different for your order.
The few hundred dollars extra for going through a B&H-caliber store is worth it. It's only October, chase season is far enough away - there's plenty of time to save up and get the legit deal.
I've always wondered how these companies can stay in business in the USA without getting taken down by the Feds the first week. Unbelievable.
I'd cancel the order ASAP. Don't wait.